“Pakistan is passing through Her Most Crucial Phase”… really? *Yawn*
….Blah blah- very clichéd,
very familiar and really worn out! We have simply forgotten the count of how
many times have we heard this sentence. It is sometimes said by politicians,
passionately giving a justification of why they are important for the country;
while on other times by media folks to add more fervency & spice to their already
heart beat seizing headlines. The truth is that these words had been used up so many
times, that nobody damn cares. We are so oblivious to our condition that
maybe…just maybe….we have stopped thinking to save ourselves!
We haven’t?

But what are these 90% doing? Surely, the 10% are quite busy these
days. But where are the good (and lazy) people?
So let the truth be told- the 90%
are WAITING; Waiting, as they have waited all their lives; Waiting for the
Messiah to descend from the heavens; Waiting for the Superman to come and
rescue them!
Sometimes its “Chief tere Jaan Nisaar”, sometimes its “Jiye General Kiyani”, and sometimes its “Musharraf come back please”. And there might be millions of things which can save Pakistan, but THIS attitude will surely NOT!
Besides, everybody in Pakistan
has his own ‘permanent’ mind set of favoritism towards a certain type of
leadership. Some are inclined towards religious parties & would vote for
anyone who promises to "Kick America out of this planet". Some would blindly vote
for the leader who yells out ‘Jaag Punjabi Jaag Teri Pag Nu Lag gaya daagh’, no
matter how many stains he has on his own history (perhaps since ‘Daagh to Achay
hote hain”, he always gets a sweep win
in the elections). Then there are ‘Saeen’ people who would vote for none other
than ‘Saeens’ (let me say: ‘saeen to saeen, saeen k voters bhi saeen’) :P
Getting on a serious note now…
This nation has suffered more due to this “Superman Syndrome”, as I like to
call it, than due to the actions of our leaders. One man’s hero is the other’s
villain and vice versa. And thus, we fail to do ANYTHING about our country
because we are too busy fighting for our “Dear Leaders”.
Why is that so? Because we like to ignore ideology and we love running after idols. We do not care about the idea. We care about the man behind it. We have learned nothing from the Arab Spring. We have learned nothing from The Tunisian Defiance, The Egyptian Revolution, The Libyan Revolt, The Syrian Uprising, The Bahrain Upheaval, and The Yemen Rebellion; we learnt nothing, nothing at all. This is worth mentioning that NONE of the above struggles had a CENTRAL LEADERSHIP to call for protests and demonstrations, yet the public came out and stood for what they believed in. Stood firm and fought for it. The public stood first, and then came the politicians. And that’s where they made a difference. And that’s where we have failed every single time.
When we
realize the truth that there is no liberator, no
savior and no messiah to rescue us, may be then we will become conscious to the
fact that the Superman we had always been waiting for, is not out there, but
inside the each of us.
As Ernesto Che Guevara once put it,
As Ernesto Che Guevara once put it,
“I am not a Liberator. Liberators do not exist. The people liberate themselves”
So one final sentence for all Pakistanis…

Your discourse seems observant and passionate but ridden with cliche's and rancid obliquities seemingly plagued by a one-sided prejudiced opinions without thorough independent research. Being a part of the Pakistani diaspora in Bahrain and having observed the so called 'Arab Spring' upheaval you so fervently mentioned you fail to see the complete picture of what is actually happening on ground here. For instance, the Bahraini govt. is one of the relatively more liberal governments in the Middle East. The govt here provides unconditional financial support to the local Bahrainis that it may seem unprecedented compared with several other so called 'democratic' nations. For instance, free education from primary upto professional level for all Bahrainis, a universal state of the art health care system (FREE OF COST), business development and incubation support (co financing of upto 80% for Bahrainis in consulting, business development, marketing/advertising support, youth development programs etc etc. ref. http://edsa.tamkeenpartners.net/. Feel free to peruse the contents at your leisure and free land and housing for Bahrainis, unemployment welfare, etc. and all of that WITHOUT HAVING TO PAY TAXES!! but does your so called independent foreign media report that? hell no! because media's interests lie solely in feeding off of others' miseries like scavenging vultures. Ask yourself this question, has the Arab Spring brought anything positive to any of the Middle Eastern countries.. let's take a gander.. Libya? destroyed infrastructure and the country pushed back to the cave ages, Syria? unabated bloodshed and the still mounting deathtoll, Egypt? was a fast growing economy before the so called revolution.. and no resolution still in sight to the socio political and economic hiatus. that leaves us with Tunis, a little worse for the wear right now. Pakistan being already in a dismal condition has no need for 'revolutionaries', if you cast a bird eye's glance at history revolutions have never brought prosperity to the nations it occurs in. It's only through somber reflection and gradual but measured steps taken in the right direction that helps nations become great, not bloodshed!!
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