Read! In the Name of thy Lord & Cherisher…And Read! Thy Lord is the Most Bountiful. He taught by the Pen. Taught man, that he knew not... (92:1-5, Quran)
The earth has turned into a battle field. With Raptors and Jet Harriers ruling the warring skies; with the dropping of nerve shattering bombs in Lebanon, Iraq and Afghanistan; with the core shaking screams of thousands of people of Ghaza Strip; with the breath taking and mind thundering scandals of Abu Ghraib prison-the world seems to be doomed. But what do we have except for cursing the officials who entitled Salman Rhushdi with ‘Sir’ or burning our own streets in protests? Despite these, the conditions are so pathetic that many Muslim countries buy even bullets of simple riffle guns from the west.
This is not a matter of core grievance. Something that almost blew the wind out me was when I heard a school bus driver telling a 5th grade boy that his school education was worthless in the Hereafter and added further that “your MBA won’t go with you to the grave”!
Who are these people who partition knowledge as ‘deeni’ and ‘dunyawi’, even though knowing that the miseries of Muslims today in this world are due to their lack of knowledge of all kinds? Don’t they know that these were the Muslims who literally made the world know what science and mathematics were? Shall we now consider a new revolution taking place in the Muslim World? A revolution of illiteracy in the name of religion.
I often argue on calling literates of religious laws ‘Aalim-e-Deen’, for deen is very vast and no one can possess knowledge of the entire deen. They are in fact ‘Aalime shariah’ which is only a portion of deen. Let me prove this from Quran:
Quran Corroborates Deepest Secrets of Science:
The words “man” and “woman” have been mentioned 23 times each in Quran. Human body has 46 chromosomes and what is surprising is that exactly 23 of these are inherited from ones mother and 23 from ones father. No one except for a gynecologist can offer details on this subject. God famously described in 55:19-20, the “barrier” between the seas. Scientists have very recently discovered a barrier of ‘surface tension’ in water. Atlantic water has low salt and mineral density than Mediterranean Sea. Thus when the water of Atlantic splash into the Mediterranean, the surface tension caused by the different salt concentrations pulls water back, thus maintaining the unique characteristics of each. Who can describe this ayat of Quran except for an oceanographer?
In 57:25 god said “and we also sent down iron…” today astrologists have found out that iron is one of the metals that did not exist on earth but was “sent down” to it externally through the supernova explosion of other stars. further researches on the above surah “al Hadid” revealed that its numerological value (amjad) is 26, which represents the atomic number of iron. Thus Quran provides a portion within itself for chemists to research.
God stated Alfred Wegener’s theory of the moving continents in 27:88 and Einstein theory of expanding universe in 54:47. Yes it is all there in Quran! Biologists are invited to discover the stages of embryo’s formation in mother’s womb in 23:14 while geologists are told of the seven skies and the seven earthly cores in 65:12 and are informed of Dead Sea being the deepest portion of earth in 30:1-4. Astrologists are told of the black holes in 86:1-3. Even the theory of relativity of time is mentioned in 32:5. Further researches show that every word in Quran alone has a unique amjad number and a unique frequency.
Can anyone be a master of all this when God himself says “And there is no dry and wet thing that has not been mentioned in Quran”? This is true for the ones we call ‘Alime-e-Deen’ as well. Except for the one on whom this Holy Book was revealed, Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), no one bears the capacity to know the entire Quran. Now do you know why the Prophet called himself “The City of Knowledge” and why he said that if this Great Book was revealed on a mountain, it would have “shattered into bits”. Thus, if some arrogates who think of themselves knowing the entire of Quran actually knew it, they would have been bits by this time.
Cause of Conflict between Adam & Satan was the Knowledge of Science-
The root cause of the conflict between Iblees and man was this knowledge. Iblees was a master of worship and he knew all regulations of prayers but that was the only thing he knew. God ordered all the angles to prostrate before Adam just because he was able to recite the names of certain plants, something they couldn’t. We all know that Iblees condemned this, so his centuries of worship was nullified instantaneously. Thus when Allah did not consider decades of worship in front of the knowledge of Botany (not shariah) Adam had, how do some elements of our society consider them to be the true heirs of paradise, stopping others from acquiring knowledge?
And as far as MBA going to grave is concerned, one can imagine how much Muhammad Yunus may have earned for his hereafter by giving 6.6 million impoverished Bengalis new lives. It’s hard to imagine how will the inventors of air conditioner, vaccine and the artificial Jarvik heart not go to heavens, even when I know they were not Muslims. I would only say that a good Muslim through his good education can earn both the worlds.

Mind Blowing, Impressive and authentic research work. This needs to be displayed :D
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